Sunday, September 14, 2014

Shoshana's birthday note

Our Israeli kitchen

Yamit 2000 Water Park

Had a great time Friday at Teva 's employee day at Yamit 2000 water park. We miss six flags though.  But we loved that the food was kosher!

Wedding in Israel

One great thing about Israel is the opportunity to meet up with old friends, and see how their families are turning out. Very nicely, in the case of Mirriam Meyers, a friend from Tucson Hebrew Academy, whose daughter's wedding I attended in Jerusalem last week!  I also saw Felicia, Dana, Tracy, Shari, and Margie.  Mazal tov to both twins on their weddings!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ok so I have been a bit remiss with my blog.  Let's see.  Since my last post, I have travelled across the US with the kids and a tent, and oh then we made Aliya to Israel with kids and husband and dog.  Now here we are in Israel and the kids are in school and it is a difficult adjustment for them but they are doing ok.  Benny said something cute yesterday on the way to school.  Referring to the Hebrew Year of 5775 which he learned about in school, he said, "America is about 3000 years behind."

I will try to figure out how to post pictures.  I also want to change the focus of the blog to Aliya and the location to Israel.  Wish me luck!