Thursday, July 17, 2014

Not sure why that photo didn't come out right. Anyway, then we saw Mt Rushmore, and spent Shabbat in Bozeman with Chabad of Bozeman.  Then we went to Yellowstone.  Camped at a primitive campsite. Ok, another attempt at photos. 
Back on track for my blog!  Now I will officially change the focus of the blog to our upcoming Aliya!    Homecoming to the Land of Israel, eternal homeland of the Jewish People, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term. Today we finally got our official approval for Aliya from the Jewish Agency, and now we can get out tickets!

Meanwhile, I am on a "Goodbye America" tour with Rachel, Shoshana, Benny and Akiva.  First we visited the Badlands National Park, which we lived for its hike anywhere policy and great climbing rocks.